Donation/Sponsorship Request Guidelines

Peninsula Federal Credit Union has, been and is committed to being, a generous supporter of our local communities. While we are always looking for new ways to further our involvement within the community and its organizations, we have implemented guidelines due to the numerous requests. Peninsula FCU reserves the right to consider each request on a case-by-case basis. Donation/Sponsorship requests must be submitted to Peninsula FCU no later than two weeks prior to the event date and/or the donation/sponsorship deadline.

If you are interested in seeking a donation/sponsorship from Peninsula FCU, please review the following guidelines:

Peninsula FCU will only consider monetary donations/sponsorship requests from non-profit organizations that foster growth and development in the communities we support. A contribution is typically used to raise funds for the benefit of: Health, Education, Community Service, Youth Activities, Cultural, or Special Community Projects.

Peninsula FCU does not consider donation/sponsorship requests from: Religious Groups, Political Parties or Candidates, Incomplete applications, or requests with less than proper notification.

Many factors are included in the evaluation of these proposals, which are reviewed weekly. Peninsula FCU will make every effort to process your request in a timely manner. A decision to deny a request does not imply that the applicant’s program is not needed or worthy, but simply that it does not fall within our giving guidelines.

* Required Fields
Today's Date:
 /   / 
Event Date:
 /   / 

Type of Request:
Has Peninsula FCU donated to your event/organization in the past?
Date funds are needed (minimum of two weeks from date request is presented to Peninsula FCU):
 /   / 

Item Donations/Sponsorships
Date Item is needed:
 /   / 
Sponsorship Recognition
Do you need a logo? :
Logo Format:

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